Goodbye Uncle Fudgey.

Tom Greaves creates the “pathetic” character Uncle Fudgey. Refusing to properly grow up and having flashbacks to the trauma endured at Private School. Goodbye Uncle Fudgey offers an unpredictable outburst of emotions and random memories.

The privileged life or so-called privileged life Greaves experienced growing up sounds far from ideal. Shunted off to boarding school as a status symbol for his parents and bullied relentlessly by the other boys who are all there for similar reasons. Many feel abandoned and unloved, exerting power over others to mask their emotions.

The levels of wealth and status objects discussed are things many dreams of and will never attain. The 25k food hall bill mentioned by Selfridges is staggering and I cannot comprehend what was purchased to reach that figure. Many don’t have that as an annual salary.

Greaves creates a world of privilege that is unappealing and self-indulgent. Who would genuinely call it a privilege? It’s funny, clever and disturbing at times. Knowing it’s based on verbatim experiences it can be uncomfortable to watch in places.

This isn’t a comedy performance to “brag” or “show off” about wealth its an insight into a world that sounds far from idyllic and that money simply cannot buy happiness!

Four Stars.

For more information and to book tickets please visit the link below.

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